Easy Abs Workout At Home - Another Common problem among leopard geckos aside from leopard gecko shedding problems is mouth roteopard gecko mouth rot is also termed as stomatitist is a bacterial infection that can affect both the mouth and gums of a leopard geckoymptoms include bleeding gums, loss of appetite, blackening of the teeth, swollen mouth, and a cheesy, yellowish buildup between the teeth healthy leopard gecko must not produce this diseaset is generally caused by dirty living conditions and low temperaturest is fairly painful for the reptile and can be fatal if it doesn't be treated by a veterinarian as quickly as possibleauseMostly mouth rot is generateed in reptiles on account of stresstress weakens the immune system of leopard geckos and thus makes them vulnerable to infectionmproper temperature, lighting, parasite infestation, and improper handling are the most Well-liked cause of stress in leopard geckosmproper diet precisely vitamin C deficiency is too known to cause mouth ... [Read More - Easy Abs Workout At Home]
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