Cheap Wow Gold Eu Servers : The Nafaqah In Islam - In Islamic Shari'a, nafaqa is defined as an obligation of material support for the wife and childrenhis is a gendered entity in Islamic marriage, as long as the marriage has been consummatedhen the marriage is consummated, the husband becomes responsible for providing his wife and children born of the marriage with food, clothing, and shelter regardless of the wife's own resourceshis obligation is stated in the Qur'an; it reads the following: "Men are protectors and maintainers of women given that God has given them the Yet another than the other, and given that they support them from their means [their money]" (Qur'an 4: 34)ailure of the husband to provide the nafaqa may well result in a jail sentencef the husband leaves his property to undisclosed location, the qadi (religious judge) is authorized to locate the husband's assets to recover the unpaid nafaqaf the husband is beneficiary of any revenues, or has any outstanding debts owed to him, the qadi could assign the proce ... [Read More - Cheap Wow Gold Eu Servers]
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